ECI Games

ECI Games
EC Innovations Wilmington 501 Silverside Rd #105, Wilmington, DE 19809, USA
Wilmington, NC 19809
United States


ECI Games is a relatively new company within the EC Innovations group - one of the world’s leading localisation companies. However, within seven years we already partner with many of the world’s leading video game developers and publishers. As a young company, we are looking to distinguish ourselves through quality and a genuine passion for games – reflected in our delivery.

Company profile type: 
Company size: 
251-1000 employees
Wanted occupational fields: 
QA / Localisation, Localisation, Sales Manager
Wanted field of studies: 


Edwin T 
Talent Acquisition Lead

Company Locations

Address information

EC Innovations Wilmington 501 Silverside Rd #105, Wilmington, DE 19809, USA
Wilmington, NC 19809
United States